Accenture Doctors Survey 2012 and 2015

In 2012 and 2015, Accenture conducted a health information technology survey to many physicians around the world. The aim of this survey was to see how each country has been adopting and utilizing health information systems.

2012 study: 8 country study. 3,700 physicians in Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany, Singapore, Spain and the United States surveyed.

2015 study: 6 country study. 2,600 physicians in Australia, Brazil, France, Norway, Singapore, and the United States surveyed

You can find a more detailed result of the study here:

Here is some of the interesting facts I picked out to focus on

It is important to get the physicians' point of views because they are the ones that are actually using this technology. This survey was perfect for my research to see the difference in adoption and utilization among these countries for health IT.


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